Monday, March 29, 2010

Whoopsies, kinda haven't been around to post lately, can rack that up due to having to work for my money and not much play time for me.  was browsing through some of the photos when the kidlets were little and just had to share this one, it is in my faves as I love the elephant in the background.  Am currently at home as the little miss has both asthma and bronchitis so dh and I are playing shift work in order to both still get our jobs done, as we really need the money at the moment.  He does morning and I do afternoon, that way I still get paid for a whole day, how sad is that lol.
I also discovered this in the folder as well a very gorgeous 2 year old son, running the 1500m at the school athletics. Aaah nothing like a trip down memory lane.  Will update the craft section once I can locate the camera cord!  I have been hard out spinning trying to get enough wool spun so that I can knit the husband a homespun jersey or maybe knit me one, haven't quite figured who will benefit from my spinning as yet.  I am not progressing much on my secret project, just not had enough time of late.  I was supposed to go to Taumarunui for an opening, but decided to give that a miss due to the wee one being unwell, then I am supposed to go to Gisborne for a principals meeting on Thursday but I am actually feeling really tired and I just want to stay put!  Might just have to pull the pin on everything and just stay home, hibernate and craft me thinks.  Anyway off to locate that camera cord.

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