Sunday, January 31, 2010

2 more sleeps

Until I have to go back to work, boohoo!  Mind you it has been a topsey turvey start to the new year.  I think that I may have to learn to do one project at a time, but alas I am a typical gemini and tend to get bored with just the one project so like to jump between quite a few things all the time.  At the moment I have the pliers out to make another set of stitch markers.  I have begun hand  carding my raw fleece in the lounge and have my knitting sitting on the couch LOL.  Husband is trying to sing along with the computer, he is loading his MP3 a very PAINFUL process in this house, this means that we are subjected to his lyrics to the songs and him singing louder than the stereo whilst managing to not even acknowledge that the others in the family are trying to watch telly.  I can. not. wait. until he gets all his playlists done, I have heard songs I am sure weren't even thought of when I was a baby haha.  OMG we have now progressed from singing to whistling - save me please!  Anyway, I think me and my laptop will just go to the other end of the house and watch telly, thank god for the 2nd tv that came free when we upgraded our last tv.

and I am very pleased to add my finally finished Ishbel!  I hope my Ma likes it!

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